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Your Protection Is Our Top Priority

Welcome to the Texas  Defense & Firearm Training, LLC. website.

USCCA access to membership

We Are All About the Training

Welcome to the Texas Defense & Firearm Training, LLC. website. We are a veteran owned company that focuses on various home defense and firearm safety training courses. Our belief in defense and safety is understanding pre-threat indicators and using situational awareness to keep us from being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Then if we have to defend ourselves, and it is imminent, you have to make that decision to flee or fight. 

Therefore, our training is not all about firearms. As use of a firearm or deadly for should be the last resort or when all lesser means have failed or cannot be justifiably used. We instruct our courses to use situational awareness (the understanding of our surroundings) and to identify pre-threat indicators such as out of place anomalies. 

When and if the tine comes to use force, either non-lethal or deadly force, we instruct the best way to apply those forces. From using a taser, pepper spray or other non-lethal force, or using deadly force, such as your handgun or your vehicle, we believe you need to know what happens physically, emotionally, and financially when you defend yourself. Walking through the event from the time police and EMS show up. You need to know the steps they will take to ensure everyone's safety, to the time the police start investigating and EMS checks you out and the other party. 

This is much more training than JUST getting your License to Carry and then carrying your firearm in public. We stress to every student how important it is to know your rights, the laws and how to protect yourself. Everyone has that right! This is a defensive journey, which we all hope you will use Texas Defense & Firearm Training!

Start your defense training plan today!

Ted Jagen - Bio

Ted Jagen is a Navy Submarine Veteran of 14 years.  As a military Range Safety Officer and Small Arms Marksmanship Instructor, he has certified over 3000 Navy and civilian personnel in the use of numerous types of small arms, .38 revolver, 9mm, .45cal, M-14 and M-16. He believes you are only as good as your last training and constant training is the key to success. 

A little over three years ago, he went through the USCCA Instructor course and started his business, Texas Defense & Firearm Training, LLC. He wants to make a positive impact in his life, his family's life, and his community. He has a passion to teach those who want to make themselves better. Even more, he wants to teach people how to defend themselves in such a way they do not have to confront a threat, and if they do have to confront a threat, they will make the best decisions they can for themselves and those around them. Ted Jagen is constantly learning new techniques to train others and is a USCCA Training Counselor. He is very successful training beginners to advanced shooters. He now can train and certify those self-learners so they can instruct defense training and make a greater impact in our community. He is on a quest to find the men and women who want to lead their own training program and grow their communities. 

Training with SIRT (Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger) training pistols

We use SIRT training pistols for all handgun training platforms. We believe we can instruct the beginner to advance with this platform. We can quietly and without any distraction, instruct basic handgun users grip, sight alignment, trigger control and trigger press, and handgun draw and reload. Intermediate to advanced handgun users we can train defensive shooting fundamentals, trigger press, advanced handgun drawing and handling. We believe the SIRT training pistol saves ammo, allows for a better training session, and more safe training environment. We also use L.A.S.R X training software where we can make anything a target and record and playback your training exercise to address opportunities for improvement. For more information about SIRT training pistols, go to hyperlink:

Using Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger pistols for on range practice and virtual ranges
Certificate for TECC Bystander Course

USCCA Certifications

USCCA Training Counselor

USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense Instructor

Women's Handgun & Self Defense Fundamentals 

First Aid Fundamental Instructor

Countering a Mass Shooter Threat Instructor

Range Safety Officer 

TECC Certifications / STOP THE BLEED / CPR & AED / CERT Certified

C-TECC Tactical Emergency Casualty Care - Active Bystander


Emergency Care & Safety Institute - CPR / AED

Community Emergency Response Team Certified

Amateur Radio Operator - General Class (KI5YIV)


Texas License to Carry Program

Texas DPS License to Carry a Handgun Certification - Expires 06/07/2027

Training Courses 

Our courses are for the very beginner to the advanced, with a focus on deterrence and avoidance first and then use of force to include nonlethal to deadly force. Please review the courses offered, and if you have questions, feel free to contact us. We proudly cater to clients in DFW and the rest of Texas.

Concealed Carry and Home Defense
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